The Rose Cottage

"The Rose Cottage" roombox is finished and ready to ship. It is 1:6 scale Blythe/Barbie size. 
16" x 17" with plenty of room for furniture and decorating. 

The walls are done in a gorgeous floral rose print in pinks and green on a white background. The wainscoting is painted in a matching pale sage green with light aging. The windows have also been lightly aged but nothing too shabby. The trim is all done in a clean white and has not been distressed. The solid wood floor was stained in a medium brown and the shade variations turned out beautifully. 

This is a One of a Kind roombox and won't be rebuilt exactly like this. It is listed in the Etsy shop. All finished and ready to ship roomboxes are $170 (with the exception of paneled boxes) They are not custom orders which is why I offer them at a cheaper price than "customs" 


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